
April 24, 2012

Week in the Life: Monday's Words and Photos

Number of photos for Monday: 119, point and shoot, iphone

So my first Week in the Life started out with snow.  At the end of April.  After an 80 degree day on Friday.  I'm interpreting this optimistically.

I'm worried that since I spend most of my weekdays in a cubicle that my pictures won't vary too much day to day.  I'll just have to focus and make an effort to take pictures at home.

Today was a normal, ordinary day - left Jason sleeping in bed, got to work, had my oatmeal and coffee and tackled emails and paperwork.  Stopped to get groceries after work and made dinner while Jason cleaned.  Hung out for a bit until Jason tucked me in (who doesn't like a good tucking in?).

Observations: I'm feeling stressed at work and look forward to going home, but as soon as I go home, the time flies by too quickly!  I have to make sure I focus on work at work and home at home.

Overheard: "You look pretty today." - Jason, half asleep.

Love the last word in business.

My boss letting me know he trusts my gut feeling - confidence booster!

Gratitude:  I'm thankful for a boyfriend who greets me everyday with kind words and a smile - something to look forward to coming home.

Favorite moment: After a hard day, I come home to Jason saying he missed me during the day. Awwww.

Here are some pictures from dawn til dusk:

On to Tuesday!

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